The Nursery
Our commitment to Safeguarding The Nursery is an organisation that is responsible for providing childcare for children and clearly understands its responsibility for safeguarding. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are our Nursery Manager Judith Dixon, and Deputy Manager Lynsey Klitzke. Any safeguarding concerns should be brought to either Judith or Lynsey.We are committed to safeguarding children and will work cooperatively with other agencies to ensure that any risk to children we work with, is acknowledged and responded to professionally and without delay.
The Nursery have policies in place which inform the organisation, and individuals within it, about how to respond in situations where abuse is suspected and how to work together to promote the welfare of children. This includes ensuring that children and families have prompt access to universal, targeted and specialist services as necessary.
Our staff and volunteers are aware through regular training, supervision and informal support of their own duty, and the duty of other statutory and voluntary agencies, to safeguard children and promote effective inter-agency working. This is informed by the Guide to Inter-agency Working to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children, “Working Together”, in accordance with the Children Act 2004 and the Children Act 1989. The Nursery will continue to work to national and local safeguarding policy including Durham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership procedures and protocols and will keep up to date with future changes in safeguarding policy. If you want to know more about Durham Safeguarding Children’s Partnership processes, please go to: Concerned about a child? (durham-scp.org.uk)
Our Safeguarding Policy along with all our other policies and procedures are available to view at any time, just ask in the nursery office.
Ofsted Report
Ofsted contribute to raising the standard of care of children and young people and education of learners of all ages through inspection and regulation.
Department of education and skills official website
The website where parents can explore all the ways the government can help with childcare costs, including 15 to 30 hours of free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare, Tax Credits, Universal Credit, Childcare Vouchers, and financial support too for parents who are studying.
Inland Revenue site which gives information on child tax credits.
The National Childbirth Trust supports parents during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood by offering them antenatal and postnatal courses, local support and reliable information.
Ofsted contribute to raising the standard of care of children and young people and education of learners of all ages through inspection and regulation.
Department of education and skills official website
The website where parents can explore all the ways the government can help with childcare costs, including 15 to 30 hours of free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare, Tax Credits, Universal Credit, Childcare Vouchers, and financial support too for parents who are studying.
Inland Revenue site which gives information on child tax credits.
The National Childbirth Trust supports parents during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood by offering them antenatal and postnatal courses, local support and reliable information.